Joanie McGuffin – Lake Superior Water Trail Coordinator, The Lake Superior Watershed Conservancy Linking Science and Citizens for Action: Building a Water Trail for the Lake Superior-wide Community
Joanie joined Mike Ripley and Katherine Taddo as invited speakers at the International Joint Commission’s Public Hearing on March 2nd at Sault Ste Marie’s Delta Inn. As the Water Trail Coordinator for the Lake Superior Watershed Conservancy, Joanie gave an inspiring visual presentation on how building a water trail around Lake Superior links a community of people concerned about the future health of the world’s greatest freshwater lake. Over 100 people were in attendance to provide their comments for the IJC’s The Great Lakes:Your Voice Report to the Canadian and USA governments. The Mayor of Sault Ste Marie gave the opening remarks, and Dr. Gayle Broad moderated the public comments.
The Lake Superior Water Trail has been featured in the Great Lake Connections newsletter, sharing our initiatives with its followers: